Thats something to smile about. More power than ever before. With lesser fans, higher efficiency sometimes equates to less-powerful airflow not so with Energy Smart circulators. Combining a more-powerful, brushless DC motor with legendary Vornado engineering, our new line of circulators deliver power to spare. Precisely control your airflow. Touch speed controls let you zero in on your ideal environment. Whether its a soft, silent flow, full-throttle circulation or any point in between, precise controls enable you to dial in the airflow setting that feels right for you.
Circulate all the air in the room. A Vornado circulator uses special airflow called Vortex Action to circulate all the air in the room. The air flows fast, cool and constant to create a cooling experience unlike any other. Beauty and brains. Energy Smart DC circulators add a modern aesthetic and efficiency to the home. Clean lines and a smooth modern palette add to an updated form to accompany your style. Comfort should be constant. Unlike whole-room circulation, oscillation only feels cooler when youre in the direct path of airflow.
A Vornado air circulator provides comfortable, whole-room air circulation for the entire room by moving all the air ensuring that everyone is consistently comfortable no matter where they sit.
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