Sleek and stylish, the Therapure TPP230M is engineered for maximum effectiveness. The uniquely engineered permanent HEPA-type technology, removes allergens, pollution, smoke and odors. The UV light removes airborne germs and bacteria and the photocatalyst filter removes harmful fumes and chemicals. The three-speed fan settings allow the user to select the desired cleaning level. The ionizer with a separate on/off button provides an extra cleaning boost when needed. The clean light indicator comes on when the filter needs to be cleaned. Filter never needs replacing. Energy Star certified saves on power consumption.
For a cleaner, healthier environment.
Air Cleaner Machine Type: HEPA;
CADR: 137 (smoke); 132 (dust); 155 (pollen); Maximum
Room Size (Square Footage): 183 sq ft; Maximum
Room Size: 13 1/2 ft x 13 1/2 ft.
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